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Socialism received temporary defeat in 1956. The Soviet modern revisionists under the leadership of Khrushchev cleared the way for capitalist restoration with the pretext of transforming into communism in short time. Together with other countries under their control, they established revisionist world system instead of the world socialist system. This system collapsed in 1989/1990. The Soviet revisionists took as principle the use of the struggle of the working class, labouring masses, oppressed peoples and nations for their own hegemonic interests. They have also distorted the Marxist-Leninist struggle and the theory of revolution on the sphere of anti-imperialist struggle in order to theorize the "interests of socialism". This chorus was also attended by China revisionists.

The ideological and organisational crisis of the international communist movement; its disorganised situation on the international level is forming the other disabled part of the anti-imperialist struggle. The sharpening contradictions between the imperialists under these circumstances, the rivalry for the world hegemony and the imperialist occupations, wars and threats -which almost continue since the beginning of 1990's- have caused development of a strong anti-war movement on the international level, a giant international mass movement. But the pacifist forces, who are keeping the leadership of this movement in their hands, have appeared as another obstacle in front of the development of the anti-imperialist struggle in correct line. These points show: The international anti-war movement; international mass movement is either going to become ineffective and be dispersed under the leadership of the pacifist and reformist forces, or the revolutionary and communist forces are going to organise the movement for revolution and resistances on the basis of countries and regions. Today, the revolutionary and communist forces on the international level are face to face with this dilemma and task.

A) Recent developments in the world's problematic regions

The imperialist bourgeoisie, who in the last quarter of the 20th Century or, more correctly, together with the disintegration of the revisionist bloc have announced the eternality and superiority of capitalism by promising peace, democracy and welfare to the humanity, led mankind to live all sorts of characteristics of capitalism, the barbarity, war, savageness and colonialism.

The imperialist bourgeoisie and its ideologists' promises did not work. Because, our world witnessed to an imperialist aggression, war, occupation, military mobilisation, threat and coup d'etats, the religious and ethnic conflicts propagated among the peoples and nations in accordance with the movement of the capitalism's objective economical laws and the imperialist hegemony even in the period when the "Cold War" was ended.

In these conditions of the crisis of the system of imperialist international relations, the imperialist bourgeoisie put aside not only the curtains and in formalities of the bourgeoisie democracy through unbridled imperialist aggression and occupations, but also the international agreements, contracts and rules determined or signed by their own. The USA imperialism have occupied Afghanistan and Iraq by denying all international rules and decisions in order to dominate the world and the Middle East and to serve the needs of the arm and oil monopolies. It continues to rain threats on Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Sudan. After Guatanamo, the pictures of torture and rape of women in Abu Ghraib have once more brought the USA's and UK's real faces to open. And the German imperialism was not late to take its place in this dirty and dark picture by letting their soldiers to make torture exercises.

The imperialist capitalism and the local collaborator bourgeois administrations have dragged peoples to the quagmire of national and religious enmity in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucuses. The peoples and nations have been conditioned with chauvinism, nationalism and national despise. They planted the seeds of national enmity, distrust and prejudice and their consequences will spread out to many years. In these regions, tens of contradictions and conflicts such as Serb-Albanian, Armenian-Azeri, Chechen-Russian, Israeli-Arab, Turk-Arab, Persian-Arab, Kurd-Turk, Persian-Kurd, Persian-Azeri, and Shiite-Sunni are being deepened by provocations. Whilst Turkey supports and provokes the Turks in Cyprus, Turkmen in Iraq and Chechens in Caucuses, the US imperialism does same thing to Bosnians in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Russia does to Serbs and Germany does to Croats.

The regional plans and projects developed by imperialism under various names in the world are aiming the strategic interests of the Capital, to make ineffective the rivals in the imperialist rivalry and hegemonic war, to lift the economical and political obstacles before the circulation of the Capital and to liquidate the revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces.

In Latin America, the centres of resistance; revolutionary Party and forces are being threatened via "Plan Colombia". They want to establish an "order" in accordance with the needs and strategic interests of the monopoly Capital.

Through the Greater Middle East Project (GMEP), they want to redesign the reactionary regimes of 22 Muslim countries from Morocco to India in relation with the interests of the USA and the monopoly Capital, and to weaken or liquidate the anti-war and anti-occupation forces in pretext of the fight against "global terror".

In Balkans, there is a political and military hegemonic war between imperialists of the USA, EU and Russia. These contradictions and conflicts are being carried out sometimes in the manner of military support, sometimes with reconciliation, sometimes by interfering in elections and creating reactionary internal uprisings.

The US imperialism tries to take position in the Central Asia and Caucasus through military bases, military education, governmental coup d'etats, internal uprisings and etc.

By the reflection of economical and structural crisis, the EU imperialists begun to implement the neo-liberal attacks via concrete attacking programmes and packages after the September 11. They have put the immigrant workers and labourers, the political exiles into the target of attack through considering them as the reason for economic crisis, unemployment, criminal incidents and environmental pollution. They have provoked chauvinism and racism against the Muslim peoples. In Europe, the fascist movement is growing in the arms of the monopolies and the State. In different countries of Europe, system parties are trading on the foreigners in their election campaigns, and the governments are organising the inner reaction with new laws and orga-nisations.

The neoliberal attacks in Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland, Britain, Russia, Turkey and other countries are continuing in the form of seizure of social rights, attacks on all sorts of organisation, increase of the working hours, massive dismissals from work, attacks on retirement rights, privatization of education, health and etc.

There is, doubtlessly, an international mass movement being raised on the imperialist globalisation attack, neo- liberal policies, imperialist aggression and occupation by the labour and oppressed front. The international mass movement continues to bring out progressive, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, revolutionary dynamics and opportunities in the ranks of the millions who suffer from economic, social and political destruction and devastations.

B) The necessity of regional coordination is the produce of social and political developments:

The capitalism's unequal development in the beginning of the 20th Century, the contradictions between imperialist States have made possible the break of the imperialist chain in single link, in other way, it made possible the victory of revolution and socialism in single countries. The capitalism's level of horizontal and vertical development at the end of the 20th Century; the deepening and organisation of the internationalisation of Capital, social production, trade and technology have also strengthened the possibility of regional revolution among the revolution in single countries.

Two developments become clear in the reflection of the deepening internalization of the Capital and social production on the social and political dimensions: firstly, the necessity of international and regional revolutionary conditions where the single country revolution could directly make it a spare-force and international mainstay; and increase of the victorious single country revolutions' international influence. Secondly, the birth of an international mass movement against the imperialist globalisation, and the appearance of dynamics, opportunities and conditions for developing an international and regional solidarity, support and united resistance or fight in terms of the revolutionary movement of working class and labouring masses.

Today, the proletariat is much more possessed of political and social conditions to lead the peoples anti-imperialist struggle and to make it part of the process of a world revolution by turning it into an anti-imperialist wave.

Comparing with the past, the anti-imperialist struggle and anti-capitalist struggle today much more combined with each other. Therefore, it is a task to form unity, front, platform and regional orga-nisations as the need of both the communist and the anti-fascist, anti-imperialist struggle. Most importantly, it is the task of the day, not of the future.

The imperialist capitalist and some of the regional power's tendency to achieve economic development through regional and international blocs walk along with the regional wars, political reaction and national enmities. The NAFTA founded by USA have brought poverty to the Mexican people and attached them to the USA's political and military crimes against the Latin American peoples. It, however, has also being proven by the coups in Venezuela and Haiti, the Plan Colombia and the aggression on Cuba.

For the French and German imperialism, EU is the unity of creating dependency and forming economic, politic and, gradually, military hegemony. It is the unity of monopolies. Its policies towards the Balkans and Caucasus are the direct reflection of its competition with the USA. The regional and local political developments in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus, the new power relations and balances are being carried out on the contrary to the wills of the peoples in the regions and even on the contrary to the regional States, in exception of some of the countries which we could name them as regional power. This is what GMEP means in the Middle East.

The Kurdish and Palestine question, the occupation of Iraq are the Middle East's main problems which also carry international dimension. The real solution to the Kurdish and Palestine questions can only come through the creation of the peoples' brotherhood and freedom in the Middle East, the creation of new relations and balances of power in the region, and the formation of democratic or labourer governments. The solution foresees the repulse of the imperialist aggression and occupants, and the overthrow or regression of the collaborator Arab, Turk and Persian regimes.

The reason for why Iran, Syria and Lebanon have been targeted by the USA is, on one side, the allegation of these countries support to the Iraqi quagmire, where the USA has sank into, but on the other side, these countries opposition to the redesigning of the Middle East.

The interference of the imperialist and regional colonial powers in the Balkans and Cauca-sus has drag-ged people and nations of the region to the more dissolution and conflicts. The Balkans turned into an arena of political, military and diplomatic war and rivalry between the NATO, USA, EU and Russia. Impe-rialist powers are trying to establish hegemony on every part of the region sometimes by military interference and threats, by taking side with one of the countries, and sometimes by playing the role of referee.

There is no doubt that there are examples of anti-imperialist struggle and resistances in these regions which are open to imperialist aggression, occupation and interference. Peoples' will is getting bigger and becomes the source of great morality. The examples of resistances in Iraq and Palestine are the greatest signs that imperialism could be taken out by the peoples' regional united struggle.

The historical and political tasks, the victory of revolution make obligatory the international action and unity of the revolutionary proletariat, peoples and the communist vanguards. There is a need for the centres of regional anti-imperialist struggle not only for the victory of revolution in single countries or on regional level, but also to stop the imperialist aggression, war and occupation.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are under occupation. Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria and some of the Latin American countries are under the threat of occupation. The progressive, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist parties and forces are under siege to be attacked with the pretext of "terrorism". All refusals with actions, uprisings and struggles are being stamped with "terrorism".

All these imperialist aggression, occupation and threats are the reflections of the imperialist quarrels and policies for hegemony. These are the political aspects of the monopoly Capital's movement to turn itself to account. That is to say that they are the consequences of the capitalism's law of unequal and unbalanced development, the law of tendency of falling profit rate, the anarchy in production and the law of rivalry. What is happening in the world and the mentioned region is the level and consequences of these laws on rivalry in the spheres of economy, politic and military.

For example; the USA's total number of soldiers in overseas, except Iraq and Afghanistan, is about 250 thousand, it has got military forces in 120 countries and about 1000 military bases and establishments. In the world, the investment on military is about 1 trillion dollar a year, and 500 billion dollars of this amount belongs to the USA. The EU imperialist are trying to overcome their military weakness on the world hegemony with recovering their late militarism and armament. It constructs the EU army, and considers attracting the military force of Turkey which exports militarism in its relations with the EU. The imperialist forces have created or are trying to create great national, religious enmities, distrusts and prejudices among the nations and peoples in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus.

One of the results achieved by our Party MLCP at the 3rd Congress is as follows:

"As a form of fraternity of the peoples, regional federations have gained a special importance (85) in order to prevent imperialists and local bourgeoisie from driving peoples to chauvinist conflicts. This is much more needed for regions such as Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, where imperialist aggression and wars are densest. Our party is for the revolutionary federation of all peoples in our region." (3rd Congress, Political Report)

The peoples' brotherhood cannot be realised in the region, where peoples suffer the strangles, massacres and enmities, by the bloody Capital, because it is the causer of the situation. It can only be realised through a democratic and socialist will, power and struggle. The struggle for a Federative Unity is a special form of it, and at the same time, it would play the role of a bridge from today by realising the proletariat and peoples vanguards' international action and unity, and would erect stones of the peoples' brotherhood and equality.

C) The regional coordination for anti-imperialist struggle will bring the centralisation of the forces and the struggle of regional international actions.

The conditions, political forces, dynamics and opportunities of developing an international and regional anti-imperialist struggle are growing every passing day. The ground and potential of it is much stronger in the regions where the internal conflicts of the imperialist powers and the contradictions between the imperialists and the oppressed nation and peoples are sharpened. There are different organisations and platforms of anti-imperialist struggle or resistance in the world and in the regions. But, unfortunately, there is either no or very weak coordination or organic connections among these forces or platforms which would reflect in the political will and actions.

Therefore, as it is in the world, the organised anti-imperialist struggle is also in dispersed, apathy, ineffective and spontaneous position on the regional level. Interfering in the situation on regional level lays on, at first, the progressive, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist party, group and platforms of these regions. Only can they be the vanguards of changing the situation, can bring to open the anti-imperialist potential and strength, and mobilise millions for the interests of the proletariat and peoples.

The regional anti-imperialist coordination for struggle will serve the following functions:

a) We, as the vanguards of the working class and the oppressed peoples, must develop a will with our politics and actions on the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, keeping Cyprus, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina under occupation and on the face of the problems of the new countries and peoples who could be the target of unbridled imperialist aggression and war in the future. As a force, which could be taken serious in the region, we can create pressure and play the hindrance role.

As a result of strong street demonstrations, anti-imperialist resistance and struggle in Greece, the President of the USA, Bill Clinton ended his visit incomplete. The Foreign Secretary General of the USA cancelled his trip to join the World Olympics. In Turkey, the NATO was driven into a corner in Istanbul through an effective struggle against the NATO Summit in June 2004. The States officials had begun to discuss upon whether to participate in the summit or not.

The Palestine and Iraqi peoples, who did not see the support that they expected in the Middle East, are continuing to be the sample and source of morality with their honourable struggle and resistance to all the oppressed peoples of the world. Neither GMEP nor its threats against Iran, Syria and Cuba could save the US imperialism, considered as the only invincible will. The biggest and strongest will in the world is the peoples' will.

Merging with the destructive consequences of the neo-liberal policies and attacks, the anger and awakening against the imperialist aggression and occupation causes massive demonstrations on local, regional and international levels. On 15 February 2003, 20 million anti-war people took the streets in the world and shouted their anger and demands. The peoples' struggle grows against the concrete organisations of imperialism such as IMF, WB, NATO and G-B. Most of the surveys prove that the people of the countries in the region are expressing their angers on the USA and other imperialists.

b) Until today, in terms of anti-imperialist struggle, we sow many searches, initiatives and formations of the progressive, anti-imperialist platforms and the revolutionary and communist forces. All these are valuable, but not enough. Because they could not succeed becoming centres of resistance and struggle that grows and produces itself within the political struggle and action. These formations were weak on the spheres of activity, continuity and organisation. They were contended with statements, leaflets and conferences, and almost could not go beyond recoding the developments. For example, tens of conferences has been organised upon supporting the resistance in Iraq and the Middle East. But, unfortunately, none of them resulted in creation of a fighter organisation, action and concrete political practice. They were both unable to create an organisation, develop independent political campaign and action, and make an influence on the Social Forums and Anti-War platforms. Undoubtedly, if this situation would not be considered as the implementation of an historical and political task than we will not only create avoidance, diversion and political passivity; but it would objectively mean to block, to restrain and to pull these initiatives and orientations of the anti-imperialist dynamics, opportunities and forces into the system. That is to say that it will cause degeneration and decay. So, the creation of a concrete and stable coordination in the regions is also necessary for giving an end to such circumstances.

c) The other reality is the need for an international coordination among various dynamics and tendencies, different anti-imperialist platforms and centres formed in the world upon the wave of mass movement. And, doubtlessly, the regional anti-imperialist platform or coordination, which would mobilise the masses through its politics and actions, will also make concrete contributions to the formation of the international coordination.

It is possible to develop international solidarity, support and common struggle by dealing with the action and unity of the anti-imperialist struggle on international and regional levels in concrete, practice and in consideration of the necessity of an organisation which would interfere in the political developments. It, however, cannot be developed just in words, abstract and general manner. And it can only achieve response with concrete relations, tools and methods of struggle. For example, regional anti-imperialist seminars, conferences, platforms, co-ordinations, unities and etc with the perspective of enlightening and getting organised; formation of an institution or coordination which would lead the political struggle on regional level; adoption of its infrastructure and workers, all these must be considered together with an office work.

d) The office and management must be able to serve, at first, the social and political matters of the region that it is working for, the needs of the class movement, and the problems, needs and calls of the anti-imperialist struggle. It must play the role of a regional anti-imperialist centre.

The unity, which would be flexible at the beginning, can be carried further levels by the programme of the anti-imperialist struggle and formation of a law in the process. We must also add the tasks of organising press releases, leaflets, political campaigns, developing the common will and action with various platforms and active participation in and influencing the existing anti-imperialist platforms and unities.

e) The regional anti-imperialist coordination for struggle must combine the anti-imperialist struggle with the fight agai-nst capitalism. It is being pointed out by the imperialist capitalism's level of development, economic and social integration, and the desire and demands of the international mass movement. Comparing with the past, today, the anti-imperialist struggle and the fight against capitalism is much more combined with each other.

The reaction and struggle of the millions of workers, labourers and the oppressed against the imperialist aggression and war is also the indirect expression of their class interests and demands in the face of neo-liberal attacks.

This is the thing what is being pointed out by "another world", the demand of the oppressed masses who suffer from the consequences of the imperialist globalisation attacks. The mentioned platform must, at least, state that it is open to the struggle for social liberation.

f) The imperialist capitalism has dragged peoples to a great illusion through regional blocs or projects and plans. Their propagandas on "creating contemporary international conditions", "achieving economic development by regional international blocs" are being influential.

The regional unities formed in various areas of the world are also organising the economic and politic relations of the most developed bourgeoisies of the countries in the region and pursuing their interests. The Unity of Latin American Countries, MERCOSUR, G-8, Arab League, Islam Development Conference and etc are that kind of unities. BDT and The Shanghais Five play the role of regional domination tools of the Russia and China.

In every country, the fearful intellectuals, bourgeois and petty bourgeois reformist parties are being able to put masses into expectations under the pretext of work, freedom and welfare. The peoples are living the consequences of their expectations caused by such as the accession of some of the Balkan countries to the EU, the occupation of Iraq and GMEP to bring freedom to the Kurds. But their (peoples) vanguards are face to face with a task to foil these expectations and illusions.

The Balkan people, Kurds and Latin American people are seeing the protectorate colonialism through their own experiences. They see that GMEP brought war, occupation and rape to Iraq and the Middle East. The Balkan peoples see that the membership to the EU will bring nothing than economic and social destruction to the new colonial or dependent countries.

g) The foremost imperialist countries are trying to take political and military positions in various countries of the Balkans and Caucasus by exploiting the peoples' dissatisfaction and reaction, and organising reactionary uprisings and demonstrations under different slogans and with the power of the imperialist media. They even organise this through false elections, and the coordination will bear a political task on it.

h) The coordination must show a principle stance against the chauvinism and social chauvinism when fighting the imperialist aggression, war and occupation, and should bring to open the common will and struggle of the peoples and revolutionary movement.





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Socialism received temporary defeat in 1956. The Soviet modern revisionists under the leadership of Khrushchev cleared the way for capitalist restoration with the pretext of transforming into communism in short time. Together with other countries under their control, they established revisionist world system instead of the world socialist system. This system collapsed in 1989/1990. The Soviet revisionists took as principle the use of the struggle of the working class, labouring masses, oppressed peoples and nations for their own hegemonic interests. They have also distorted the Marxist-Leninist struggle and the theory of revolution on the sphere of anti-imperialist struggle in order to theorize the "interests of socialism". This chorus was also attended by China revisionists.

The ideological and organisational crisis of the international communist movement; its disorganised situation on the international level is forming the other disabled part of the anti-imperialist struggle. The sharpening contradictions between the imperialists under these circumstances, the rivalry for the world hegemony and the imperialist occupations, wars and threats -which almost continue since the beginning of 1990's- have caused development of a strong anti-war movement on the international level, a giant international mass movement. But the pacifist forces, who are keeping the leadership of this movement in their hands, have appeared as another obstacle in front of the development of the anti-imperialist struggle in correct line. These points show: The international anti-war movement; international mass movement is either going to become ineffective and be dispersed under the leadership of the pacifist and reformist forces, or the revolutionary and communist forces are going to organise the movement for revolution and resistances on the basis of countries and regions. Today, the revolutionary and communist forces on the international level are face to face with this dilemma and task.

A) Recent developments in the world's problematic regions

The imperialist bourgeoisie, who in the last quarter of the 20th Century or, more correctly, together with the disintegration of the revisionist bloc have announced the eternality and superiority of capitalism by promising peace, democracy and welfare to the humanity, led mankind to live all sorts of characteristics of capitalism, the barbarity, war, savageness and colonialism.

The imperialist bourgeoisie and its ideologists' promises did not work. Because, our world witnessed to an imperialist aggression, war, occupation, military mobilisation, threat and coup d'etats, the religious and ethnic conflicts propagated among the peoples and nations in accordance with the movement of the capitalism's objective economical laws and the imperialist hegemony even in the period when the "Cold War" was ended.

In these conditions of the crisis of the system of imperialist international relations, the imperialist bourgeoisie put aside not only the curtains and in formalities of the bourgeoisie democracy through unbridled imperialist aggression and occupations, but also the international agreements, contracts and rules determined or signed by their own. The USA imperialism have occupied Afghanistan and Iraq by denying all international rules and decisions in order to dominate the world and the Middle East and to serve the needs of the arm and oil monopolies. It continues to rain threats on Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Sudan. After Guatanamo, the pictures of torture and rape of women in Abu Ghraib have once more brought the USA's and UK's real faces to open. And the German imperialism was not late to take its place in this dirty and dark picture by letting their soldiers to make torture exercises.

The imperialist capitalism and the local collaborator bourgeois administrations have dragged peoples to the quagmire of national and religious enmity in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucuses. The peoples and nations have been conditioned with chauvinism, nationalism and national despise. They planted the seeds of national enmity, distrust and prejudice and their consequences will spread out to many years. In these regions, tens of contradictions and conflicts such as Serb-Albanian, Armenian-Azeri, Chechen-Russian, Israeli-Arab, Turk-Arab, Persian-Arab, Kurd-Turk, Persian-Kurd, Persian-Azeri, and Shiite-Sunni are being deepened by provocations. Whilst Turkey supports and provokes the Turks in Cyprus, Turkmen in Iraq and Chechens in Caucuses, the US imperialism does same thing to Bosnians in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Russia does to Serbs and Germany does to Croats.

The regional plans and projects developed by imperialism under various names in the world are aiming the strategic interests of the Capital, to make ineffective the rivals in the imperialist rivalry and hegemonic war, to lift the economical and political obstacles before the circulation of the Capital and to liquidate the revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces.

In Latin America, the centres of resistance; revolutionary Party and forces are being threatened via "Plan Colombia". They want to establish an "order" in accordance with the needs and strategic interests of the monopoly Capital.

Through the Greater Middle East Project (GMEP), they want to redesign the reactionary regimes of 22 Muslim countries from Morocco to India in relation with the interests of the USA and the monopoly Capital, and to weaken or liquidate the anti-war and anti-occupation forces in pretext of the fight against "global terror".

In Balkans, there is a political and military hegemonic war between imperialists of the USA, EU and Russia. These contradictions and conflicts are being carried out sometimes in the manner of military support, sometimes with reconciliation, sometimes by interfering in elections and creating reactionary internal uprisings.

The US imperialism tries to take position in the Central Asia and Caucasus through military bases, military education, governmental coup d'etats, internal uprisings and etc.

By the reflection of economical and structural crisis, the EU imperialists begun to implement the neo-liberal attacks via concrete attacking programmes and packages after the September 11. They have put the immigrant workers and labourers, the political exiles into the target of attack through considering them as the reason for economic crisis, unemployment, criminal incidents and environmental pollution. They have provoked chauvinism and racism against the Muslim peoples. In Europe, the fascist movement is growing in the arms of the monopolies and the State. In different countries of Europe, system parties are trading on the foreigners in their election campaigns, and the governments are organising the inner reaction with new laws and orga-nisations.

The neoliberal attacks in Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland, Britain, Russia, Turkey and other countries are continuing in the form of seizure of social rights, attacks on all sorts of organisation, increase of the working hours, massive dismissals from work, attacks on retirement rights, privatization of education, health and etc.

There is, doubtlessly, an international mass movement being raised on the imperialist globalisation attack, neo- liberal policies, imperialist aggression and occupation by the labour and oppressed front. The international mass movement continues to bring out progressive, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, revolutionary dynamics and opportunities in the ranks of the millions who suffer from economic, social and political destruction and devastations.

B) The necessity of regional coordination is the produce of social and political developments:

The capitalism's unequal development in the beginning of the 20th Century, the contradictions between imperialist States have made possible the break of the imperialist chain in single link, in other way, it made possible the victory of revolution and socialism in single countries. The capitalism's level of horizontal and vertical development at the end of the 20th Century; the deepening and organisation of the internationalisation of Capital, social production, trade and technology have also strengthened the possibility of regional revolution among the revolution in single countries.

Two developments become clear in the reflection of the deepening internalization of the Capital and social production on the social and political dimensions: firstly, the necessity of international and regional revolutionary conditions where the single country revolution could directly make it a spare-force and international mainstay; and increase of the victorious single country revolutions' international influence. Secondly, the birth of an international mass movement against the imperialist globalisation, and the appearance of dynamics, opportunities and conditions for developing an international and regional solidarity, support and united resistance or fight in terms of the revolutionary movement of working class and labouring masses.

Today, the proletariat is much more possessed of political and social conditions to lead the peoples anti-imperialist struggle and to make it part of the process of a world revolution by turning it into an anti-imperialist wave.

Comparing with the past, the anti-imperialist struggle and anti-capitalist struggle today much more combined with each other. Therefore, it is a task to form unity, front, platform and regional orga-nisations as the need of both the communist and the anti-fascist, anti-imperialist struggle. Most importantly, it is the task of the day, not of the future.

The imperialist capitalist and some of the regional power's tendency to achieve economic development through regional and international blocs walk along with the regional wars, political reaction and national enmities. The NAFTA founded by USA have brought poverty to the Mexican people and attached them to the USA's political and military crimes against the Latin American peoples. It, however, has also being proven by the coups in Venezuela and Haiti, the Plan Colombia and the aggression on Cuba.

For the French and German imperialism, EU is the unity of creating dependency and forming economic, politic and, gradually, military hegemony. It is the unity of monopolies. Its policies towards the Balkans and Caucasus are the direct reflection of its competition with the USA. The regional and local political developments in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus, the new power relations and balances are being carried out on the contrary to the wills of the peoples in the regions and even on the contrary to the regional States, in exception of some of the countries which we could name them as regional power. This is what GMEP means in the Middle East.

The Kurdish and Palestine question, the occupation of Iraq are the Middle East's main problems which also carry international dimension. The real solution to the Kurdish and Palestine questions can only come through the creation of the peoples' brotherhood and freedom in the Middle East, the creation of new relations and balances of power in the region, and the formation of democratic or labourer governments. The solution foresees the repulse of the imperialist aggression and occupants, and the overthrow or regression of the collaborator Arab, Turk and Persian regimes.

The reason for why Iran, Syria and Lebanon have been targeted by the USA is, on one side, the allegation of these countries support to the Iraqi quagmire, where the USA has sank into, but on the other side, these countries opposition to the redesigning of the Middle East.

The interference of the imperialist and regional colonial powers in the Balkans and Cauca-sus has drag-ged people and nations of the region to the more dissolution and conflicts. The Balkans turned into an arena of political, military and diplomatic war and rivalry between the NATO, USA, EU and Russia. Impe-rialist powers are trying to establish hegemony on every part of the region sometimes by military interference and threats, by taking side with one of the countries, and sometimes by playing the role of referee.

There is no doubt that there are examples of anti-imperialist struggle and resistances in these regions which are open to imperialist aggression, occupation and interference. Peoples' will is getting bigger and becomes the source of great morality. The examples of resistances in Iraq and Palestine are the greatest signs that imperialism could be taken out by the peoples' regional united struggle.

The historical and political tasks, the victory of revolution make obligatory the international action and unity of the revolutionary proletariat, peoples and the communist vanguards. There is a need for the centres of regional anti-imperialist struggle not only for the victory of revolution in single countries or on regional level, but also to stop the imperialist aggression, war and occupation.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are under occupation. Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria and some of the Latin American countries are under the threat of occupation. The progressive, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist parties and forces are under siege to be attacked with the pretext of "terrorism". All refusals with actions, uprisings and struggles are being stamped with "terrorism".

All these imperialist aggression, occupation and threats are the reflections of the imperialist quarrels and policies for hegemony. These are the political aspects of the monopoly Capital's movement to turn itself to account. That is to say that they are the consequences of the capitalism's law of unequal and unbalanced development, the law of tendency of falling profit rate, the anarchy in production and the law of rivalry. What is happening in the world and the mentioned region is the level and consequences of these laws on rivalry in the spheres of economy, politic and military.

For example; the USA's total number of soldiers in overseas, except Iraq and Afghanistan, is about 250 thousand, it has got military forces in 120 countries and about 1000 military bases and establishments. In the world, the investment on military is about 1 trillion dollar a year, and 500 billion dollars of this amount belongs to the USA. The EU imperialist are trying to overcome their military weakness on the world hegemony with recovering their late militarism and armament. It constructs the EU army, and considers attracting the military force of Turkey which exports militarism in its relations with the EU. The imperialist forces have created or are trying to create great national, religious enmities, distrusts and prejudices among the nations and peoples in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus.

One of the results achieved by our Party MLCP at the 3rd Congress is as follows:

"As a form of fraternity of the peoples, regional federations have gained a special importance (85) in order to prevent imperialists and local bourgeoisie from driving peoples to chauvinist conflicts. This is much more needed for regions such as Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, where imperialist aggression and wars are densest. Our party is for the revolutionary federation of all peoples in our region." (3rd Congress, Political Report)

The peoples' brotherhood cannot be realised in the region, where peoples suffer the strangles, massacres and enmities, by the bloody Capital, because it is the causer of the situation. It can only be realised through a democratic and socialist will, power and struggle. The struggle for a Federative Unity is a special form of it, and at the same time, it would play the role of a bridge from today by realising the proletariat and peoples vanguards' international action and unity, and would erect stones of the peoples' brotherhood and equality.

C) The regional coordination for anti-imperialist struggle will bring the centralisation of the forces and the struggle of regional international actions.

The conditions, political forces, dynamics and opportunities of developing an international and regional anti-imperialist struggle are growing every passing day. The ground and potential of it is much stronger in the regions where the internal conflicts of the imperialist powers and the contradictions between the imperialists and the oppressed nation and peoples are sharpened. There are different organisations and platforms of anti-imperialist struggle or resistance in the world and in the regions. But, unfortunately, there is either no or very weak coordination or organic connections among these forces or platforms which would reflect in the political will and actions.

Therefore, as it is in the world, the organised anti-imperialist struggle is also in dispersed, apathy, ineffective and spontaneous position on the regional level. Interfering in the situation on regional level lays on, at first, the progressive, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist party, group and platforms of these regions. Only can they be the vanguards of changing the situation, can bring to open the anti-imperialist potential and strength, and mobilise millions for the interests of the proletariat and peoples.

The regional anti-imperialist coordination for struggle will serve the following functions:

a) We, as the vanguards of the working class and the oppressed peoples, must develop a will with our politics and actions on the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, keeping Cyprus, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina under occupation and on the face of the problems of the new countries and peoples who could be the target of unbridled imperialist aggression and war in the future. As a force, which could be taken serious in the region, we can create pressure and play the hindrance role.

As a result of strong street demonstrations, anti-imperialist resistance and struggle in Greece, the President of the USA, Bill Clinton ended his visit incomplete. The Foreign Secretary General of the USA cancelled his trip to join the World Olympics. In Turkey, the NATO was driven into a corner in Istanbul through an effective struggle against the NATO Summit in June 2004. The States officials had begun to discuss upon whether to participate in the summit or not.

The Palestine and Iraqi peoples, who did not see the support that they expected in the Middle East, are continuing to be the sample and source of morality with their honourable struggle and resistance to all the oppressed peoples of the world. Neither GMEP nor its threats against Iran, Syria and Cuba could save the US imperialism, considered as the only invincible will. The biggest and strongest will in the world is the peoples' will.

Merging with the destructive consequences of the neo-liberal policies and attacks, the anger and awakening against the imperialist aggression and occupation causes massive demonstrations on local, regional and international levels. On 15 February 2003, 20 million anti-war people took the streets in the world and shouted their anger and demands. The peoples' struggle grows against the concrete organisations of imperialism such as IMF, WB, NATO and G-B. Most of the surveys prove that the people of the countries in the region are expressing their angers on the USA and other imperialists.

b) Until today, in terms of anti-imperialist struggle, we sow many searches, initiatives and formations of the progressive, anti-imperialist platforms and the revolutionary and communist forces. All these are valuable, but not enough. Because they could not succeed becoming centres of resistance and struggle that grows and produces itself within the political struggle and action. These formations were weak on the spheres of activity, continuity and organisation. They were contended with statements, leaflets and conferences, and almost could not go beyond recoding the developments. For example, tens of conferences has been organised upon supporting the resistance in Iraq and the Middle East. But, unfortunately, none of them resulted in creation of a fighter organisation, action and concrete political practice. They were both unable to create an organisation, develop independent political campaign and action, and make an influence on the Social Forums and Anti-War platforms. Undoubtedly, if this situation would not be considered as the implementation of an historical and political task than we will not only create avoidance, diversion and political passivity; but it would objectively mean to block, to restrain and to pull these initiatives and orientations of the anti-imperialist dynamics, opportunities and forces into the system. That is to say that it will cause degeneration and decay. So, the creation of a concrete and stable coordination in the regions is also necessary for giving an end to such circumstances.

c) The other reality is the need for an international coordination among various dynamics and tendencies, different anti-imperialist platforms and centres formed in the world upon the wave of mass movement. And, doubtlessly, the regional anti-imperialist platform or coordination, which would mobilise the masses through its politics and actions, will also make concrete contributions to the formation of the international coordination.

It is possible to develop international solidarity, support and common struggle by dealing with the action and unity of the anti-imperialist struggle on international and regional levels in concrete, practice and in consideration of the necessity of an organisation which would interfere in the political developments. It, however, cannot be developed just in words, abstract and general manner. And it can only achieve response with concrete relations, tools and methods of struggle. For example, regional anti-imperialist seminars, conferences, platforms, co-ordinations, unities and etc with the perspective of enlightening and getting organised; formation of an institution or coordination which would lead the political struggle on regional level; adoption of its infrastructure and workers, all these must be considered together with an office work.

d) The office and management must be able to serve, at first, the social and political matters of the region that it is working for, the needs of the class movement, and the problems, needs and calls of the anti-imperialist struggle. It must play the role of a regional anti-imperialist centre.

The unity, which would be flexible at the beginning, can be carried further levels by the programme of the anti-imperialist struggle and formation of a law in the process. We must also add the tasks of organising press releases, leaflets, political campaigns, developing the common will and action with various platforms and active participation in and influencing the existing anti-imperialist platforms and unities.

e) The regional anti-imperialist coordination for struggle must combine the anti-imperialist struggle with the fight agai-nst capitalism. It is being pointed out by the imperialist capitalism's level of development, economic and social integration, and the desire and demands of the international mass movement. Comparing with the past, today, the anti-imperialist struggle and the fight against capitalism is much more combined with each other.

The reaction and struggle of the millions of workers, labourers and the oppressed against the imperialist aggression and war is also the indirect expression of their class interests and demands in the face of neo-liberal attacks.

This is the thing what is being pointed out by "another world", the demand of the oppressed masses who suffer from the consequences of the imperialist globalisation attacks. The mentioned platform must, at least, state that it is open to the struggle for social liberation.

f) The imperialist capitalism has dragged peoples to a great illusion through regional blocs or projects and plans. Their propagandas on "creating contemporary international conditions", "achieving economic development by regional international blocs" are being influential.

The regional unities formed in various areas of the world are also organising the economic and politic relations of the most developed bourgeoisies of the countries in the region and pursuing their interests. The Unity of Latin American Countries, MERCOSUR, G-8, Arab League, Islam Development Conference and etc are that kind of unities. BDT and The Shanghais Five play the role of regional domination tools of the Russia and China.

In every country, the fearful intellectuals, bourgeois and petty bourgeois reformist parties are being able to put masses into expectations under the pretext of work, freedom and welfare. The peoples are living the consequences of their expectations caused by such as the accession of some of the Balkan countries to the EU, the occupation of Iraq and GMEP to bring freedom to the Kurds. But their (peoples) vanguards are face to face with a task to foil these expectations and illusions.

The Balkan people, Kurds and Latin American people are seeing the protectorate colonialism through their own experiences. They see that GMEP brought war, occupation and rape to Iraq and the Middle East. The Balkan peoples see that the membership to the EU will bring nothing than economic and social destruction to the new colonial or dependent countries.

g) The foremost imperialist countries are trying to take political and military positions in various countries of the Balkans and Caucasus by exploiting the peoples' dissatisfaction and reaction, and organising reactionary uprisings and demonstrations under different slogans and with the power of the imperialist media. They even organise this through false elections, and the coordination will bear a political task on it.

h) The coordination must show a principle stance against the chauvinism and social chauvinism when fighting the imperialist aggression, war and occupation, and should bring to open the common will and struggle of the peoples and revolutionary movement.