Messages of greetings for the 20th year
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Recostrucción Comunista

Greetings comrades
From Recostrucción Comunista, we want to send you our most sincere support and congratulation message in your 20th anniversary. Ass communist we think you are an example for all Marxist-leninist organizations around the World. In these 20 years you showed this in the theory and in the practice.
For us it’s a pride to participate in this great and important event, where twenty years of working struggle are being honored. A path full of fight against fascism and any oppression, whether between peoples or between classes.
The objective conditions of the fascist Turkish state against you fight, makes even harder your duty and even in that conditions, the Party overcame them and it is becoming every year stronger. There are so many examples, from the mass mobilizations at Gezi Park to the direct fight against de fascist Islamic State and his ally the Turkish State.
We want to remark our admiration and our wish of the MLKP to live much more years and to occupy his place where it should be, as the forefront of the Turkish proletariat.

Red Action

Dear Comrades,
The last 20 years have been some of the most difficult for the revolutionary movement. The end of the last century has seen a temporary defeat of communism both in the West and the revisionist East. But this was not only the setback of the revolutionary movement. The last 30 years have also shown the setbacks in the workers', womens' and anti imperialist struggles. All over the World we have seen the growing assault of the Capital against workers' rights, the assault of fascism against the People and the assault of imperialism against the nations. The privatizations and austerity measures implemented by the governments as well as the rise of racism and chauvinism are just the latest manifestations of this process. These assaults are not some historical accident - they are a concrete result of the temporary setback of communism. Without the revolutionary movement the people are left unarmed and defenseless. All this shows us that the World needs a revolutionary movement.

Because of this, to strengthen the revolutionary movement is the most important task. The creation of Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan 20 years ago was such an important event and the reason to celebrate in struggle. For us, the revolutionary movement of Turkey and Kurdistan has been an inspiration and motivation to build and strengthen the revolutionary movement in our country. The last few years have seen the growth of militancy of the masses and the rise of struggles. However, these struggles can not be successful without the proper organization. It's time to stop the defeats of the people from the Capital, its time to strengthen the struggles of the masses and the revolutionary movement. We hope that we will do this together with you, shoulder to shoulder in comradeship.

Long live the revolution!
Long live the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party!


Liebe Genossen,
Es ist uns eine große Freude vom Namen der bulgarischen Kommunisten Euch zum 20. Jahrestag der MLKP begrüßen zu können.

In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die MLKP als ein aufrechter Kämpfer für die Interessen der Arbeiterklasse und für den Sieg des Marxismus-Leninismus behauptet. Wir bewundern Euren mutigen Kampf gegen einen so starken Feind – der faschistische türkische Staat. In der heutigen Zeit, wenn in vielen Ländern Europas der Nationalismus einen Aufschwung erlebt, ist der gemeinsame Kampf der revolutionären Arbeiter aus Türkei und aus Nordkurdistan ein besonderes Vorbild.

Gleichzeitig leistet die MLKP ihren wesentlichen Beitrag zur Stärkung der Einheit der kommunistischen- und Arbeiterbewegung in Europa.

Wir wünschen Euch viel Erfolg in unserem gemeinsamen Kampf  zur Abschaffung des Kapitalismus weltweit.

Nieder mit dem Kapitalismus!
Hoch die internationale Solidarität!

für die Bulgarische Kommunistische Partei
Z. Spassova


Dear comrades, greetings to you,
On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the foundation of your party,  We like to extend our deepest congratulation to you and wishing you more success in advancing the current struggles of working class and toiling masses of Turkey, and the realization of the revolution to its full victory.  
Turkey's heroic struggles of the working class and the toiling masses against the aggressions of the capitalist system of Turkey and imperialism for their rights in recent years, and declaration of their solidarity with the militant workers of Iran is a clear revolutionary path which all the communists must firmly take practical steps in this common path.
Unity in principle of Turkish communists in one party in current situations could be a fatal shock to the interference of the petty-bourgeois method of thinking as the stick at the hands of bourgeoisie in creating faction and dispersion in the single rank of the communists. We hope in this path, you take seriously successful steps in order to show that you are firmly holding  the banner of "Workers of all countries unite!" in conformity with your country. In addition, since the intervention of the imperialists and the dominant reactionaries will not be interrupted  in the affairs of the Middle Eastern countries even in a day, conversely revolutionary communist forces in the region further advance the revolution, must more than ever before firmly hold the command of the "proletarian internationalism" and give mutual assistance to each other in terms of rational and practical that are essential, without which the revolution in each country alone will be very difficult.   
With warm comradely greetings,

International Bureau of Ranjbaran Party of Iran
 September 23, 2014

Partija Rada

Revolutionary greetings for the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the MLKP.

Fifteen years ago when a member of Partija Rada brought us a brochure of MLKP, we immediately saw that it is was a very serious organization, which, under very difficult circumstances, was trying to build up a powerful revolutionary party. Since then we have constantly followed the development of the MLKP, a path that was not an easy one. We rejoiced at every successful action that it had, we grieved for every fallen comrade, and felt anger for the arrest of its members. In mutual communication, we were always open and honest as it should be between Marxist- Leninists. We are most grateful that comrades from MLKP are an example for our struggle and gave us strength not to drown in the sea of reformism and revisionism that surrounds us.

Today we are part of the same struggle. Partija Rada is fighting some smaller battles, while our comrades from MLKP much larger and more important ones. The current circumstances that surround us show that there is only the beginning of the revolutionary wave. Will it be enough to win the war that is led by imperialists against the people of the world? This of course depends on of all of us in this unified struggle.

For strengthening the resistance of the people of the world to imperialism!
Long live the revolutionary MLKP!


Dear Comrades,
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of your struggle for the change, for a world without classes and exploitation, we send our comradely greetings to every one of you and we assure you that we will stay in solidarity with your cause for honor and freedom.

We are very sorry because we will not be able to be with you during the celebrations in Germany, because of the developments in Lebanon, Syria and the region which is now under two kind of terrorism, the new imperialist coalition leaded by USA and ISIS, created and enforced by imperialism and regional reactionary regimes in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.

Socialism is the future
Political Bureau of Lebanese Communist Party


On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the founding of the MLCP, I extend revolutionary greetings to all comrades who have been able to bring the party to the present level -including the present leadership. On this occasion, I take the privilege to salute all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the victory of the communist party and socio-economic changes in the 21st-century.

If we see the contemporary world, it is vital today that after the end of the bipolar world, parties like MLCP be active for the proletarian revolution to liberate the under-privileged class, community, region, language and countries of the world. Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist(CPN-M) always supports the socialist revolutionary movements all over the world.  The CPN-M regards MLCP as its  fraternal party and its leaders and members as comrades-in-arms.

As you know Nepal’s 10-year-long People’s War suffered from opportunism, surrender-ism and neo-revisionism due to its two opportunist leaders. Therefore, we had split from so called Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and formed CPN-M. The UCPN(M) heavily came down to its size from 240 to 80 seats in the 601 members at so called Constituent Assembly-2 election. This non-inclusive election of the failed parliamentarian system was rejected and opposed by CPN-M and the conflict between CPN-M led “33-Party-National Alliance” and reactionaries parties in Parliament is continued in Nepal.

Even though, Nepal’s People’s War brought Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal but without bringing the People’s Republic of Nepal Prachanda and Baburam surrendered the PLA and the weapons deceiving the 17000 martyrs. Therefore, we appeal MLCP to stand firm in the proletarian revolution and CPN-M from Nepal is always ready for international solidarity between the two communist parties.

Dr. Bishnu Hari Nepal
International Bureau Member
CPN-M, Kathmandu, Nepal

Sri Lanka

Dear Comrades,
Revolutionary Greetings to
The Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey/Northern Kurdistan

We of the New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka were glad and grateful to be invited to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the foundation of your party to be held on October 18, 2014 in Germany.
We very much appreciate the historic importance of the event marking the survival and development of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey/Northern Kurdistan amid attacks, police operations, imprisonment, torture and all manner of repression by the reactionary and repressive state of Turkey, and affirmation of its commitment to the cause of revolution and socialism when, on the one hand, global capitalism is deep economic trouble while on the other imperialism is intensifying armed aggression in Europe and West Asia, only to be defeated by rising mass resistance to oppression.
The challenges facing Marxist Leninists are formidable, and they need to mobilize the people who are steadily growing bolder to resist oppression in its varied forms by imperialism and local reaction. We note with pride that your Party which was formed by shunning sectarianism stands by every just cause of the oppressed in all parts of the world.
Our Party highly treasures the goodwill between the peoples of Turkey/Northern Kurdistan and Sri Lanka and the friendly relationship between our two parties that truly represent the interests of the people. It cherishes the strengthening of our relationship since discussions between delegates of our parties in Germany in April this year. It is thus deeply regrets its inability to send a delegate to this important event owing to adverse financial and logistical circumstances.
The Politburo of the Party, while regretting its inability to send a delegate to the celebrations, sends its sincere fraternal revolutionary greetings to your Party on the occasion of its 20th Anniversary Celebration, reaffirms the solidarity of New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party with the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey/Northern Kurdistan, and wishes the 20th Anniversary events a grand revolutionary success.

Comrade SK Senthivel
General Secretary, New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party


Dear comrades and Friends,
We would like to be with you to this important and historical event, the 20th Anniversary of the MLCP but we will be unable to honour your event due to other commitments which were pre-planned before your invitation.

The Communist Party of South Africa (M-L), is pledging a Solidarity Support with the MLCP and wishes this historical event, the foundation of MLCP a great success.

Comrades, your historical event takes place at the time, when the imperialist countries – led by the US imperialism are waging a war of attrition against the poor masses and revolutionaries, but on the other hand, they are faced with the mass-resistance all over the world. The neo-colonialist government in the third world countries are becoming anti-people in defence of the imperialist interests and theirs.

The imperialist forces are trying very hard to prevent the people's revolutionary movements which are emerging very strongly world-wide and their reactionary effort of brutally killing the revolutionaries and the poor masses, will not succeed forever. The revolutionary parties and organizations and International working class movement are faced with the formidable tasks of strengthening their ranks and forming the strong mass-organizations in their perspective countries and world-wide in order to fight the imperialist aggression and their liberation.

It is our wish as CPSA (M-L) that this 20th Anniversary of MLCP of October 2014 will male this party more stronger than before and strengthens its ranks.

With revolutionary and solidarity Greetings Comrades.
From CPSA (M-L)
International Department

Kommunistischer Aufbau

We greet the 20th anniversary of MLKP's foundation.
The foundation of MLKP stands for unity of communists, that was forged with revolutionary will and hardened in class struggle.
Now this experience belongs to the treasury of the communist world movement; the commnists have to make use of it in order to achieve communist unity in each of their countries.

We greet the fighting proletariat and the oppressed peoples of Turkey.
Their struggle experiences will turn into sources of inspiration for the German proletariat. Imperialism and fascism in their homeland, which caused their migration to Europe in huge numbers, nowadays makes millions of them and their descendants part of the German working class. The communists in our country have to take this into account when it comes to form the vanguard party of the working class.

We greet the branch of MLKP in Kurdistan and the Kurdish patriotic movement!
In these days and weeks the Kurdish people's struggle against the denial of its bare existence steadily grows in importance and connects itself more and more with the revolution in Turkey and other countries of the region. The realization of proletarian internationalism through defending the revolution in Rojava is a step of the MLKP which won't fall into oblivion, because it brought the communist world movement's traditions and the experiences of the international brigades to the middle east.

We greet the female comrades of MLKP,
who struggle for the banishment of patriarchy in their party, who do not accept to only acquire a position in the second line of battle, who make the mediaeval reactionaries tremble in fear and terror. We congratulate them on having achieved that the struggle for women's liberation cannot be viewed as something exterior to the party and on defeating the concept that the struggle for women's liberation can begin only in socialism.

We greet the youth's vanguard, that organizes itself in KGÖ.
They have realized that forming a party's school is impossible without participation in class war. Their practice proves that they do not consider themselves to be apprentices or aspirants, but assume responsibility themselves, that they stand in the first lines of battle, that their willingness to make sacrifices knows no limits.

We greet the fallen of MLKP/KGÖ, who we consider as our fallen comrades as well!
Their traditions and qualities form the wealth of experiences, the revolutionary cadres can harden themselves with. We will let them live on in our struggle as well through embracing Şengül Boran's militancy,  Hüseyin Demircioğlu's contempt to the machinations of the enemy and Serkan Tosun's internationalism.

Rode Morgen

Beste kameraden van MLKP,
We feliciteren jullie met de twintigste verjaardag van de oprichting van de MLKP.
We zijn blij met de praktische samenwerking met jullie kameraden in Nederland. Vorig
jaar november hebben de MLKP en de Rode Morgen, beiden lid van de ICOR , samen een
solidariteitsavond met het onafhankelijke, zelfbestuurde Rojava gehouden in Rotterdam.
De verscherping van de strijd in Rojava nu vraagt om meer gezamenlijke actie.
Gezien de verscherpt afwenteling van de crisislasten door de regering Rutte II zal de
werkende bevolking veel actie voeren en kunnen en moeten we elkaar ondersteunen in
het revolutioneren van de klassenstrijd.

Zonder een marxistisch-leninistische massapartij zal de arbeidersklasse in Nederland het
kapitalisme niet kunnen overwinnen en bijdragen aan de internationale revolutionaire
strijd. De Rode Morgen wil die partij van de arbeidersklasse opnieuw opbouwen en hopen
daarbij op solidaire hulp.

In deze geest van solidaire samenwerking brengen wij hierbij onze diepst vriendschappe-
lijke en meest revolutionaire groeten aan jullie over en wensen jullie veel succes bij de
standvastige strijd tegen de gezamenlijke vijand, het wereld financierskapitaal.
Leve de internationale solidariteit!
Voorwaarts naar de socialistische revolutie!
Namens GML\Rode Morgen,
Wim van Wijk